About Risehands
Helping is Great Virtue for Every Human’s.
Our Mission
At Meddha Foundation, Inc. our mission is to bring communities together, help families build strength, stability and self-reliance through education. We are dedicated to providing accessible, affordable, and compassionate healthcare services regardless of social status; and improving lives for those affected by poverty or disaster so they can reach their full potential. The Corporation will fulfill its purpose by helping raise funds and build health care centers around the world.
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Our Team
Meet our dedicated team of staff and board members who work tirelessly to advance our mission:
Maggy Jean-Gilles
Theodore R. Regis
Guegory Blanchet
Garry Méllé
Our Portfolio
We are Worldwide Non-Profit Meddha
Foundation Organization.
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Get In Touch
At Meddha Foundation, you are extremely important to us. If you had more questions or want to share your concerns, we are just one step away. Please, do not hesitate to fill out the form below. We will reach out at our earliest convenience. We greatly appreciate your patience. Thank you for your collaboration and your support!